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Harris, Judith Anne, Thompson Rivers University
Harris, Judy, Thompson Rivers University (Canada)
Harris, Judy, Thompson Rivers University, Open Learning (Canada)
Hatch, Meredith Archer, Senior Associate Director for Workforce and Academic Alignment Achieving the Dream, Inc. (United States)
Hayes, Nicholas
Heinrich, William F., Hub for Innovation in Learning and Technology Michigan State University (United States)
Hogan, Alan (Iceland)
Hogan, Patsy, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (Ireland)
Inside Out, PLA
Jonatansdottir, Steinunn Bjork, Life Long learning center Miðstöð símenntunar á Suðurnesjum MSS (Iceland)
Kerr, Thomas, Empire State College (United States)
Ketner, Brenda
Khosravi, Kathryn, Capella University (United States)
Kiloran, Bridie, Atlantic Technological University (Ireland)
Kindred, Jessica Berit, The College of New Rochelle School of New Resources (United States)
Klein-Collins, Becky
Klein-Collins, Becky, Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL)
Kochut, Renata, SUNY Empire State College (United States)
Konrad, John, Konrad Associates International (United Kingdom)
Kupetz, Noa Kattler, College Unbound
51 - 75 of 161 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >>
ISSN: 2333-3588