Inside Out, PLA
Vol 1, No 1 (2012): The Legacy of PLA: 40 Years of Practice - Networking
Working List of Networking Sites
Abstract PDF -
No 5 (2016): Assessment in the Recognition of Prior Learning - Resources
The Carnegie Unit: A Century-Old Standard in a Changing Educational Landscape
Abstract -
No 5 (2016): Assessment in the Recognition of Prior Learning - Resources
Herman and Mandell's "Experiential Learnings Revised"
Abstract -
No 5 (2016): Assessment in the Recognition of Prior Learning - Resources
ACE's "Credit for Prior Learning: Charting Institutional Practice for Sustainability"
Abstract -
No 5 (2016): Assessment in the Recognition of Prior Learning - Resources
Jacoby's "Getting Credit for What You Know"
Abstract -
No 5 (2016): Assessment in the Recognition of Prior Learning - Resources
A Prior Learning Bibliography: Desiree Joosten‐ten Brinke, Dominique M. A. Sluijsmans, Saskia Brand-Gruwel, & Wim M. G. Jochems
Abstract -
No 5 (2016): Assessment in the Recognition of Prior Learning - Resources
CAPLA's Experience Matters Directory
Abstract -
No 5 (2016): Assessment in the Recognition of Prior Learning - In Memory
Urban Whitaker, 1924-2015
Abstract -
No 6 (2018): PLA Policies and Standards: Institutional, Regional, National, International and Transnational - Resources
CAEL's "State Policy Approaches to Support Prior Learning Assessment"
Abstract -
No 6 (2018): PLA Policies and Standards: Institutional, Regional, National, International and Transnational - Resources
CAEL's "Financial Aid for Prior Learning Assessment: Early Successes and Lessons from the U.S. Department of Education’s Experimental Sites Initiative"
Abstract -
No 6 (2018): PLA Policies and Standards: Institutional, Regional, National, International and Transnational - Resources
Northeast Resiliency Consortium's "Standards for Prior Learning Assessment"
Abstract -
No 6 (2018): PLA Policies and Standards: Institutional, Regional, National, International and Transnational - Resources
CLASP's "Wisconsin Career Pathways Technical Assistance Policy Brief: Credit for Prior Learning"
Abstract PDF -
No 6 (2018): PLA Policies and Standards: Institutional, Regional, National, International and Transnational - Resources
National Adult Learning Coalition's "Strengthening America’s Economy by Expanding Educational Opportunities For Working Adults: Policy Opportunities to Connect the Working Adult to Today’s Economy through Education and Credentials"
Abstract PDF -
No 6 (2018): PLA Policies and Standards: Institutional, Regional, National, International and Transnational - Resources
Cedefop's "European Guidelines for Validating Non-Formal and Informal Learning"
Abstract -
No 6 (2018): PLA Policies and Standards: Institutional, Regional, National, International and Transnational - Resources
The National Institute on the Assessment of Adult Learning's "2017 Opening Plenary" by Alan Mandell
Abstract PDF -
No 6 (2018): PLA Policies and Standards: Institutional, Regional, National, International and Transnational - Resources
Education Commission of the States' "50-State Comparison: Prior Learning Assessment Policies"
Abstract -
No 7 (2019): PLA Outreach, Participation and Guidance - Resources
Harris and Wihak's "The Recognition of Non-Formal Education in Higher Education: Where Are We Now, and Are We Learning from Experience?"
Abstract -
No 7 (2019): PLA Outreach, Participation and Guidance - Resources
Lambe’s “The Prior Learning Essay”
Abstract PDF -
No 7 (2019): PLA Outreach, Participation and Guidance - Resources
CAEL's "What Happens When Learning Counts? Measuring the Benefits of Prior Learning Assessment for the Adult Learner"
Abstract PDF -
No 7 (2019): PLA Outreach, Participation and Guidance - Resources
CAEL's "Do Methods Matter? PLA, Portfolio Assessment, and the Road to Completion and Persistence"
Abstract PDF -
No 7 (2019): PLA Outreach, Participation and Guidance - Resources
Bélisle and Fernandez's "Rôle des pratiques en reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences dans la persévérance et la réussite scolaires d’adultes sans diplôme qualifiant" ("Role of prior learning and skills recognition in the retention and success of adult students with no qualifying diploma")
Abstract PDF -
No 7 (2019): PLA Outreach, Participation and Guidance - Webinars
PLAIO Webinar 2020: “The Power of PLA Today: Recognition of Prior Learning for Access, Equity, Learning & More.”
Abstract -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
Leibrandt, Sarah; Klein-Collins, Rebecca; Lane, Patrick. "Recognizing Prior Learning in the COVID-19 Era: Helping Displaced Workers and Students One Credit at a Time"
Abstract PDF -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
Kilgore, Wendy. "An Examination of Prior Learning Assessment Policy and Practice as Experienced by Academic Records Professionals and Students"
Abstract PDF -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
Wesley, Alexa; Parnell, Amelia. "Advising and Prior Learning Assessment for Degree Completion"
Abstract PDF -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
Klein-Collins, Rebecca; Travers, Nan. "Learning Recognition and the Future of Higher Education – A Vision for a Post-Pandemic Learning Ecosystem"
Abstract PDF -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
Uranis, Julie; Davis, Van L. "Recent Developments in Prior Learning"
Abstract PDF -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
McKay, Heather A.; Douglas, Daniel. "Credit for Prior Learning in the Community College: A Case from Colorado"
Abstract PDF -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
Goldstein, Amy D. "HBCUs and Prior Learning Assessments"
Abstract PDF -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
Garcia, Rosa M.; Leibrandt, Sarah. "The Current State of Prior Learning Policies"
Abstract PDF -
Special Issue: Recognizing Learning in the 21st Century: U.S. Perspectives (2020) - Invited Essays
Leibrandt, Sarah. "PLA from the Student’s Perspective: Lessons Learned from Survey and Interview Data"
Abstract PDF -
No 8 (2022): PLA and Competency-Based Education: Friends? Family? Or Only Acquaintances? - Resources
Competency-Based Education Resources
Details PDF
ISSN: 2333-3588