Bélisle and Fernandez's "Rôle des pratiques en reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences dans la persévérance et la réussite scolaires d’adultes sans diplôme qualifiant" ("Role of prior learning and skills recognition in the retention and success of adult students with no qualifying diploma")
Rôle des pratiques en reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences dans la persévérance et la réussite scolaires d’adultes sans diplôme qualifiant (Role of prior learning and skills recognition in the retention and success of adult students with no qualifying diploma) is a 2017 publication of Fonds de recherché du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) that reports the status of the recognition of acquired competencies (RAC) in Québec (Canada). Its principal researcher, Rachel Bélisle, Université de Shebrooke, focuses on the importance of Québec to "make a major shift to improve the information and research efforts in this area [in order to] support the retention and success of adult students. ..." While the abstract of this document is in both English and French, the body of the essay is in French. We have chosen to include it in PLAIO to provide access to this important update from Canada.
Bélisle, R., & Fernandez, N. (2017). Rôle des pratiques en reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences dans la persévérance et la réussite scolaires d’adultes sans diplôme qualifiant. Retrieved from http://www.frqsc.gouv.qc.ca/en/partenariat/nos-resultats-de-recherche/histoire/role-of-prior-learning-and-skills-recognition-in-the-retention-and-success-of-adult-students-with-no-qualifying-diploma-73hah3wc1515771307997